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Last-Modified: 05. 10. 2023.

Service available for library patrons.

Laptops can be fixed to the desks using a special lock, so you can leave them unattended while you leave the reading room to go to the restroom or the cafeteria, etc.

Pick-up points: central circulation desk, Textbooks Reading Room


  • feed the cable through the hole in the top or the side of the table, or, in the reading rooms, wrap the cable around the table’s leg,
  • feed the cable end through the loop and place it into the laptop’s security slot,
  • lock by turning the key and keep your key safe
  • anti-theft locks must be returned by 7.45 pm (9.45 pm in exam periods). Overdue fee: HUF 500/working day. (Lost or damaged anti-theft lock or key fee: HUF 15,000).

We suggest you asking a librarian for help before using the anti-theft lock for the first time.