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Last-Modified: 22. 05. 2024.

ISBN identifier request

ISBN identifiers can be requested for ISBN deposit publications published by BME in the BME OMIKK’s University ISBN Office. ISBN service is free of charge.
ISBN identifier request form

ISSN identifier request

ISSN identifier can be requested for book series and periodicals to be published in the university by BME OMIKK’s University ISBN Office.
ISSN identifier request form


Office hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9 :00– 11:00, 12:00-14:00
Friday: 9 :00– 11:00

BME OMIKK Library Building, 1st floor 15. (1111 Budapest, Budafoki street 4-6.)
Phone: +36 1 463-3796


Legal deposit service

According to 60/1998 (III.27.) government decree, publications published in at least 50 copies (in case of electronic documents independently of the number of copies), 7 deposit copy must be delivered in the University ISBN Office. 6 out of the deposit copies will be received in the Hungarian National Library’s Legal Deposit and Publication ID Management Department, and 1 of them in our library.

In case of publications published in less than 50 copies, 2 copies must be delivered in the University ISBN Office.