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Last-Modified: 22. 05. 2024.

The Hungarian Scientific Bibliography Database (MTMT) is a national scientific bibliography database, established with the aim of keeping and making available a credible registry of scientific research activities in Hungary. The registered data of BME lecturers and researchers are maintained by departmental and institutional MTMT administrators.

Before using the MTMT2 database established on 1 November 2018, please read the Short Guide for Authors.

Faculty/Department MTMT administrators

BME’s institutional administrator

  • Dr Katalin Andódy
  • Erika Szatmári

phone number: +36 1-463-3542


User manuals

Use of MTMT 2 – Short Guide for Authors
MTMT 2 guide for authors
Type, classification, character [pdf]


To intruduce users to the database and show them how it can be used effectively, we provide an opportunity for personal consultation for the researchers of the institution and the administrators of MTMT.

Appointments can be booked in the following registration interface within the Publication management service in the MTMT subject. Those interested can take part in the consultations individually or in groups. In the case of a group consultation, its enough for one person to register. Please write the names of the other participants in the Comment field.


Location: BME OMIKK Library building, ground floor 6.

  • Tuesday 09:00 to 12:00
  • Thursday from 13:00 to 16:00

Publication list maintenance

List check and citation update requests related to applications and appointments may be sent through the link below.

MTMT publication checklist

The time required for the checking depends on the field of study, and the number and quality of publications (citation update takes at least 1 week, doctoral, university professor applications take at least 1 month), please send your request in time.